Thursday, June 10, 2010

Avoid these 4 tinnitus related foods

Too much salt restricted blood vessels, increases the blood pressure and reduces the blood flow in the ears. Increase in arterial pressure is directly related to the increase of tinnitus. When you reduce the intake of salt, many people note a decrease of ringing in the ears.

Salt is necessary for life, but the modern diet contains way too much salt. It is hidden in more processed and pre-packaged foods. And apparently healthy foods contain sodium surprise.A serving a canned soup can have more salt than a bag of crisps! should start reading tags intelligently limit your salt intake.

The following food to avoid is to stop tinnitus is sugar. Here is a simplified version of what happens when you eat sugar. First raises your blood sugar, and then falls.When the temporary lack of glucose into the ears can eventually cause Tinitus.Azúcar may worsen the tinnitus doing a version of drenalin, causing vasoconstriction in the inner ear. Too much caffeine can have the same effect.

But you cannot change to artificial sweeteners instead. They can be even worse for the tinnitus and your health in general as sugar one of the worst is aspartame, found in many foods diet, including diet soda.!Aspartame is going by the name of NutraSweet.También known as the "blue things".

Aspartame causes damage to the nervous system and may cause tinnitus. Therefore you need to leave his habit of diet soda unsubscribe from tinnitus.

Did you know that artificial sweeteners have shown not to help people lose weight anyway?Really increase their craving for sweets and carbohydrates! Try a no calorie natural sweetener, stevia, in his lugar.Se can be found in most grocery stores.If not, try your local health food store.

Last thing to avoid for Tinnitus relief is a known as monosodium glutamate MSG called flavour enhancer. Breaks the glutamate in the body that acts as a far aspartamo.El glutamate as aspartame, is an excitatory neuro-transmitter which can cause tinnitus.

MSG can be hidden in the vegetable protein, natural flavorings, mixtures of spices and much more.And do not have to be added to the label as ingrediente.Esta is another reason to avoid processed and pre-packaged foods as much as possible for your health in general and for Tinnitus relief.

When you hear MSG, consider food China.Usted may have heard of "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" where people develop headaches, go out in a sweat and get empty due to high levels of MSG in some food China.

If you are looking for ways to cure your tinnitus, reduce or eliminate these four guilty of their diet is a great place to start.

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